Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drunks of the Week

Just when I thought I had this honor, two of my colleagues outdid me last night. Yes, I'm talking about Mr. Charles Strom Jr. and Colton Bielaski.

Put Your Sober Helmet On! Haiku:

I can't open the
door! Linden! I'll trade you your
shoes for gardettos!!!!

Colton, You've Had Enough Haiku:

Listen to me, I'm
a doctor! You need to stop
that right now mister!

Emily I won't step on your coffee! Haiku:

Emily I see
your coffee! Give me some love!
Don't be a hater!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Really? I look better in them!

I'm also fluent in German, am only 17, but in college, and want to know what happened to your knee. Who am I?

How Can You Possibly Think That it's Acceptable to Act This Way? Haiku:

Someone needs to shove
a cock in your mouth so you

If you couldn't tell, I had a great bus experience yesterday

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Angry Feminist Rant Day

I honor of experiences and emotions over the past couple weeks. YAY!

Why Women Make Less Money Haiku:

We must work during
daylight to avoid dangers
at night. Men are pigs.

No, I don't want to
call a cab. But I must since
bad men are lurking.

You give me advice
to avoid being mistaken
for a prostitute.

You tell me I should
"dress conservatively." I
hope you are kidding.

I hate that my well-
being and prosperity are
in the hands of men.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I've never been a huge fan of cocktail sauce, and as I was stocking some at work today, I had some thoughts on it.

Cocktail Sauce Haiku:

Who would have thought that
the world's best things combined makes
a terrible sauce?

Who doesn't love cock? I'd have to say that I'm a big fan, whether it's on a man, or in chicken form, both things are great. And who doesn't love getting tail? Cock and tail should go hand in hand, yet, they make a terrible sauce.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Feliz Cinco De Mayo!

A Nation of Immigrants Haiku:

How are Mexican
Immigrants different from
your own ancestors?

Another Overheard Haiku:

Somehow I knew that
today's Cinco de Mayo.
I don't know why though.

This bitch in the kitchen didn't understand that "Cinco de Mayo" means "The fifth of May." I never took Spanish, but Christ! Isn't that common sense?